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  • How can organic farming help our diet?

  • Aysha

    June 10, 2020 at 4:37 pm
    1. How can organic farming help our diet?

  • Alekhya

    July 4, 2020 at 11:44 am

    Dear Ayesha that’s an interesting question, While eating conventional food, unknowingly we are consuming herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones, weedicides, pesticides; fungicides- may be only in traces – but on regular basis. We should understand that ultimately all these chemicals are “biocides”. They kill or control another living system by interfering with that organism’s nervous system or reproductive system or general growth system. These toxins could cause health issues like head-ache, immunity disorders, reproductive disorders, joint weakness etc. Going 100% organic reduces theses toxic input into our body thereby relieving our body from the stress to handle these contaminants and their side effects. It helps for good health and peaceful mind. If you are still not convinced, here’s a list of the benefits of switching to 24 Mantra Organic:

    <!–[if !supportLists]–>· <!–[endif]–>Nil or negligible exposure to pesticide residues in food. Pesticides are known carcinogenic agents. Consuming Organic food helps reduce the chances of cancer. Pesticides are also known to reduce immunity and affect neurological development and reproductive capability.

    <!–[if !supportLists]–>· <!–[endif]–>24 Mantra products also do not use any synthetic colors or processing aids. This can help prevent allergies caused by synthetic food additives and pesticide residues.

    <!–[if !supportLists]–>· <!–[endif]–>Organic food contains much more levels of antioxidants. Studies have shown that Organic foods have up to 33% more antioxidants compared to conventional food. Hope this solves your query.

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