Forums Forums Organic, the Future of Sustainable Agriculture How does sustainable agriculture help the environment?

  • How does sustainable agriculture help the environment?

  • Rohan

    July 22, 2020 at 9:28 pm

    How does sustainable agriculture help the environment?

  • Nazia

    August 19, 2020 at 5:11 pm

    Dear Rohan, we understand your concern about the sustainable agriculture, how it helps the environment, here are points which help you to understand:

    • Sustainable agriculture is beneficial for the future of the planet

    • Sustainable agriculture does not allow harmful agriculture chemical for soil, plants and water.

    • Sustainable agriculture encourages improvement of soil micro-organisms and protects soil from deterioration.

    • Sustainable agriculture protects environmental factors like soil, water, air and environment.

    • It also protects the health of the plant and animals including human beings.

    We hope the above response satisfies you. Would you like to know anything else?

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