Forums Forums Organic Diet for Cancer Patients In what ways can organic food help in cancer prevention?

  • In what ways can organic food help in cancer prevention?

  • Aysha Rungta

    October 9, 2020 at 2:09 pm

    In what ways can organic food help in cancer prevention?

  • Nazia

    October 15, 2020 at 1:09 pm

    Dear Ms. Ayesha, It was a pleasure to receive your inquiry about the Organic food. Organic food standards do not allow the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms and restrict the use of veterinary medications. As a result, organic products are less likely to contain pesticide residues than conventional foods. Because of the lower exposure to pesticide residues, it can be hypothesized that high organic food consumers may have a lower risk of developing cancer. Furthermore, natural pesticides allowed in organic farming in the European Union exhibit much lower toxic effects than the synthetic pesticides used in conventional farming, although the study findings need to be confirmed. I hope you are satisfied with the information above.

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