Forums Forums Organic Diet for Cancer Patients Is eating organic food better for reducing my cancer risk?

  • Is eating organic food better for reducing my cancer risk?

  • Ashok

    July 23, 2020 at 3:27 pm

    Is eating organic food better for reducing my cancer risk?

  • Nazia

    August 4, 2020 at 4:06 pm

    Dear Ashok, that is a very interesting question, the term ‘organic’ refers only to the farming methods used to produce a food. What you eat is really important when you have cancer. Eating organic food can reduce your risk of ingesting commercially produced pesticides and chemicals. So when comes to eating organic food is a healthier choice which in turns helps in lowering your overall risk of developing cancer. Try eating more of whole grain cereals, more fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated Hope this clarifies your doubt. Would you like to know anything else?


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