Forums Forums Organic Food for Good Gut Health Which organic foods help in digestion?

  • Which organic foods help in digestion?

  • Aysha

    June 10, 2020 at 4:42 pm

    Which organic foods help in digestion?

  • Alekhya

    July 6, 2020 at 12:18 pm

    Dear Ayesha, that’s an interesting question, while choosing organically grown food is a healthy choice in terms of reducing exposure to chemicals used in farming. The term ‘organic’ refers only to the farming methods used to produce a food. Foods which has high fiber content is good for digestion. The digestive tract plays a vital role in your health, as it’s responsible for absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste. Here are some best foods to improve your digestion.

    1. Whole Grains
    2. Chia seeds & basil seeds

    3. Organically grown Green leafy vegetable

    4. Fennel seeds

    5. Ginger & Garlic

    6. Ajwain

    Hope this satisfies your query.

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